East Timor / Timor-Leste : Codfish Kalderada

Located in South East Asia Timor-Leste has a unique & interesting food history, combining local ingredients & food traditions with multiple culinary influences from Portugal, Indonesia, China & India. The food of Timore-Leste is further influenced by  its global location & geography which combine to produce an unpredictable climate & fresh water shortages.  As such Timor has experienced food security issues in the past, especially during the ‘Hungry Season’, between November & February. The Timorese people have traditionally responded to these challenges with resilience & self sufficiency through their own food production.

We cooked
Which we served with
White rice & crusty bread

This meal was a delicious & rich one pot fish stew which gave us a taste of how people might cook & eat in Timor. Learning about the food security challenges in Timor helped us to see why the main meal in Timor might be cooked in one pot.

Serves 4

·      1 brown onion, finely sliced in rings
·      1 red onion finely sliced in rings
·      4 garlic cloves, crushed
·      1 red capsicum, roughly chopped
·      1 green capsicum deseeded & roughly chopped
·      8 medium size potatoes, sliced thick
·      4 carrots peeled & sliced thick
·      2 tomatoes, skinned &, finely chopped
·      600 gm fresh cod, cut in chunks
·      250 gm green prawns - peeled
·      salt and pepper to taste
·      1 tsp paprika
·      2 bay leaves
·      I stick lemongrass cut in half lengthways
·      1 tsp Tumeric
·      1 tbs brown sugar
·      1 piece of ginger; thumb size, chopped
·      2 whole chilli
·      2 tbs olive oil
·      6 cloves
·      I cup white vinegar
·      I bottle beer


1.     Mix the vinegar, tumeric, paprika, crushed garlic & chopped ginger together
2.     Pour the olive oil into a large pot then layer the ingredients in as follows
3.      1/3 of the potatoes
4.     ½ the carrots
5.     ½ the onions
6.      ½ the fish & ½ the lemongrass
7.     ½ the tomatoes, one bay leaf one chilli
8.     ½ the  green and red capsicum
9.     ½ the prawns
10.  dress with ½ the vinegar mix & the cloves
11.  chopped tomato
12.  Repeat this process 
13.  Now add a  top  layer of  the last 1/3 of the potatoes.
14.  Pour the beer over the layers and put the lid on. 
15.  Now slowly bring the pot to the boil & turn back to a low/medium heat so the ingredients slowly cook for about 45 mins.
Serve with white rice  & crusty white bread

Adapted from recipes & information found at various web sources including:
